healthcare content

4 Ways to Tell that Your Healthcare Content Needs an Update

If you have been looking over your website recently, you might think that your website’s overall appearance is outdated. While you may see design issues that look worn out, do you give your healthcare content the same focus? While a website redesign does not automatically mean that you need to rewrite everything, it can be a great time to bolster your existing content. At the same time, your website might look fantastic, and you’ll still need to add some fresh content. 

Of course, if you aren’t sure that you need to emphasize your content, here are a few ways that you can see through the fog. 

Low or Decreasing Organic Traffic

While your content should be informative and engaging for your audience, it needs to do double duty. One of the purposes of having content on your website is to help search engines find the most relevant websites based on search terms. 

Google and other search engines are continually tweaking and refining the algorithms to identify the best sites to meet the user’s needs. If your website has never had significant organic traffic, or you’ve seen a decline in website visitors, it may be time for a rewrite. While you can attempt to tackle this work independently, you may be better suited to work with a professional that understands the current trends. 

Your Competitors Have More Healthcare Content

Go online and type in search terms that you think are relevant to your industry. Take a look at the first few websites that populate in your search. Compare the length of their medical content (blogs, landing pages, white papers, press releases). See how frequently they post blogs. How full is their content library? These are all clues to how you can improve your approach. It is likely that competitors that rank higher than you have full websites, post regularly, and have been doing it for a while. 

Many professionals suggest that content can take between 6 and 18 months to begin working, much less to dominate your field. 

Shifting Tone

Building a library of healthcare content is hard work. It doesn’t just take time, but dedication and an ability to understand and relay complex healthcare information to general audiences. Unfortunately, that is frequently completed by many different people. While a team approach can often be helpful to accomplish such big tasks, it can also affect the flow of your overall message. 

People tend to use different writing approaches, and having several voices appearing on your website can leave your readers feeling confused and frantic. In contrast, a consistent and flowing message can help to build trust and rapport with your audience. 

You Only Write Something to Solve a Past Problem

When we conduct an initial review of our client’s websites, we often see that their posts are reactive. Your patients want you to understand what they need before they do. Creating regular content on topics that are pertinent to your community is critical. If you’ve just completed a new training or acquired a cutting-edge piece of equipment, make sure that your patients know! In this way, they’ll see that you can take care of all of their existing problems and even prevent issues. 

Repairing Your Healthcare Content

Being able to produce content that fits all of these requirements can feel daunting. Fortunately, Medical Content Solutions offers a full staff of professional writers that can help you. If you’ve been considering revamping your current medical content, call, email, or text today! We’d love to help you get your content working, so you can focus on what matters – your patients

medical jargon

3 Reasons Medical Jargon Hurts Your Healthcare Blog

When many healthcare professionals create an attractive website with informative medical content, they often want to let their audience know that they are experts in their field with their healthcare blog. Unfortunately, this often comes with burdensome language that can bog down your typical patient and even push them away from your practice. 

Medical Jargon Can Be Confusing

While you already know the complicated terms associated with the diseases or medical conditions you work with, your patients don’t. Unfortunately, many people may not understand the meaning of specific references, either unnecessarily scare patients.

We recommend that when healthcare practices create their content that they keep it simple. Your content does not have to be the complete authority on a topic but should allow a patient to understand why they need to enlist a professional’s help. 

A Complex Healthcare Blog Reduce Readership

You only have a few seconds to hook your reader and get them to read through the entire document. Additionally, if they find that your content is too complex, they’ll give up and click on your competitor’s page to try to get their answer. Keep your writing at an appropriate level for people of ages to understand. The reading level can be even more important, depending on your patient demographic. 

Healthcare Jargon is Not SEO Friendly

When you write your healthcare blog, it should be doing double duty. You want each piece of content to be informative and help demonstrate your commitment and authority in your field. You also want to ensure that your content is showing up in search engines and getting your website to rank higher than your competitors. 

Using common terminology that your patients are looking for has a higher potential to bring in new patients. You should be using terms that are generally known. The word “Liver” is searched for almost a million times per month. In contrast, “acute glomerulonephritis” yields less than 5,000 searches per month. 

Creating the Perfect Healthcare Blog

Writing the best blogs that help educate your audience and get more patients into your practice is a delicate art. Maybe you’ve seen that content is the most cost-effective method to increase website traffic as a long-term strategy. Creating great healthcare content isn’t an easy task, so you shouldn’t trust a general writer. Instead, consider Medical Content Solutions. We specialize in healthcare and medical writing so that you get engaging, accurate, and effective content for your website. Get started with us today!

Why You Should Hire a Niche Health Writer

Many healthcare companies struggle to produce enough content on their websites to generate organic search results. Several factors play in developing effective healthcare content that allows you to rank in search engines. A number of these factors are continually changing and take routine training and continuing education to understand. While many healthcare professionals know that they need to bring in outside help, they can often opt to cut corners or go with the first freelance writer they find. However, hiring a health writer specifically niched to medical content is your best play for content that connects and works! 

A Health Writer as a Specialist

Your content isn’t just a general issue. Every professional in the healthcare industry knows that you shouldn’t trust your health to the advice of just anybody off the street. If you have a specific issue, you need to work with somebody that understands your needs. Health writers provide great health content that is pertinent to your topic. They must know about the issues that they cover. You don’t want to have your patients getting inaccurate information from your website. That has the potential to damage the trust you’ve built in your community and damage your reputation. 

Why Generalized Writers Don’t Cut It

While many great general writers are out there, the likelihood that you’ll get a writer who understands your business’s needs is low. Additionally, while general writers may be good at writing about general topics, you need a team that provides excellent healthcare content for your clients. General writers do not have the background in the medical and healthcare industries that specialized healthcare content writers have. That means that complex topics might be misconstrued. Additionally, suppose you’re paying your writers at an hourly rate. In that case, a general writer will require more time to adequately complete the appropriate research and convert that into an understandable document for your audience. 

Why Medical Content Is Special

Some factors mean that you need a medical writer to help with your website content. One of the most significant issues is that your needs are different from a lot of other markets. Healthcare providers typically don’t need to have pages that rank nationally. That means that your writer has to understand how to write your content for your unique audience strategically. 

Additionally, niched writers will have an in-depth understanding of topics that are relevant to your business. Bringing on a niche writer may also help you develop your content strategy in a meaningful way. They may even be able to suggest topics because of their experience. 

Contact Us Today

Bringing on a health writer is an excellent decision for practices throughout the healthcare industry. If you are looking for a great team to add to your project, consider bringing McDonald Content Solutions onboard. We have a full staff of vetted and trained healthcare writers and produce unique medical content with our team of editors and project managers. This provides you with an incredible opportunity to build your entire content strategy with a single point of content. We’ll shoulder the burden of your healthcare content, so you can focus on what’s important – your practice and your patients. 

content types

Content Types and Why They Matter

If you want to get your message to connect, you have probably been looking at different approaches. There are many different forms of writing that you can use, but each has a specific purpose. It is important to understand your goals before you start your content strategy. That’s why we created a short introduction to a few content types and why they are beneficial.


One of the most common content types out there is blogging. Blogging is huge in the digital world. However, when you think of blogs, it’s not just for posting up cute cat pictures or documenting your recent travels and then being able to share that with all of your friends. Instead, many businesses are seeing the importance of blogging about their specific industry. Blogs offer a few critical benefits: 

  • They are fast resources to spread information to a wide audience on your website. Blogs tend to range between 300-2000 words. 
  • Blogs are quickly found and utilized by Google to help rank your website for organic searches.
  • This form of content can cover various topics and increase your audience interactions when utilized regularly. 
  • Blogs tend to be one of the most cost-effective means of advertising.

There are a few other things that you should consider when starting a blog on your professional website. Consistency is a major factor in building a blog that has a maximum impact. Some professionals blog once a quarter and other businesses put out multiple blogs every single day. The key is to know what is necessary for your audience and stick to it. 

For additional benefit, you should also consider other ways to create effective medical content to get the most value. These include backlinking to your website, utilizing SEO and keyword research, and including a CTA (call to action) that helps to drive sales of your product or service. 


Ebooks are a great way to bring value to your audience but are also one of the longest forms of content types out there. They are often used as an enticement to get people to give you their contact information or provide supplemental information. Many healthcare professionals utilize ebooks to cover topics that their patients may have been recently diagnosed with. 

Ebook content can range anywhere from about five pages to 50 pages in length, especially if you consider utilizing a layout that is full of images, graphs, and other charts. Ebooks must have value for your audience. Ebooks on relevant topics will increase your credibility and trustworthiness, while missing the mark will make you appear unprofessional and out of touch. 

Typically, this form of content is more time-consuming than other options. For this reason, many individuals choose to hire a professional writer to handle this task. Of course, to ensure that you add value to your work, it’s important to use writers who specialize in your field. 

Press Releases

This content is designed to be pushed out to other publications. A press release should spread the word about something big that’s happening in your office. Is your office the first in the area to start using a cutting edge medical approach? Have you been published in a major publication for your expertise? Is your office expanding to a new location or bring on a phenomenal new staff member? If any of these is pertinent to you, a press release could be the perfect way to make sure you get the recognition. 

Additionally, well-written press releases can create additional media. Press releases commonly produce requests from news agencies or local publications that want to run a story. While many practices attempt to write press releases without a professional’s help, this is one of the most important content pieces. You can’t afford to get it wrong. Without the proper tone or editing, your press release can become a PR nightmare.

Website Content

New or outdated websites need to ensure that they have the best information on all of their pages. Over time, some content can become dated or irrelevant. If you’re building a new website, then you need to make sure that your launch produces a website that looks full, authoritative, and provides valuable information for your patients. 

Website content helps to explain every step and angle of your practice. You will want to have a page that explains each of the medical and healthcare procedures you offer. Additionally, you probably want to build rapport with your potential clientele. We find that staff biographies, mission statements, and discussions about why your community is important to you help connect your audience with your practice. 


Let Us Handle Your Content

There are a variety of t content types and approaches for every practice. However, content that isn’t properly used or optimized for your specific practice can be ineffective. Even worse, content that isn’t well-written can make you appear unprofessional and sloppy. If you’re considering creating any type of medical content for your practice, contact us today. We have a team of fully vetted writers that are ready to tackle your healthcare content needs!

private practice

How Private Practice Physicians Can Use Their Blog to Reach Patients

All of your years of hard work and determination have finally paid off. You have your very own private practice, and you’re ready to serve patients. But maybe it’s not been so easy to get people into your office. The truth is, people, rely on the web to find the doctor that will become the medical provider for themselves in their family. You have to ask yourself, what does your web presence say about you?

Your Blog Matters

It may feel tedious and even overwhelming to create and manage your blog. However, a blog is helpful to your private practice for more reasons than one. Not only does it drive traffic to your site, but it is also how people can get to know you and the type of medical care that you offer. You can use your blog as a marketing tool and as a way to introduce yourself to potential patients.

Let’s go over some of the things you can do to ensure that your blog is doing the most work for your private practice.

Consistency is Key

Sometimes busy professionals get so mired down in what they should write that they miss the opportunity to write anything at all. Posting regularly and consistently will help with engagement and demonstrate to your site visitors that you’re invested in staying current. Whether you post once a week, or several times a week, the trick is to make sure you make a goal and reach it consistently.

Post Quality Content

Typos and grammatical mistakes don’t have a place on your blog. Ensure that your post’s content is of the highest quality and is relevant to your audience. Consider posting a variety of content that focuses on services you offer, tidbits of information about you and your staff, or industry news that your patients may find helpful.

Hire Someone to Help

If you can’t keep your website updated on your own, then reach out to someone who can. At Medical Content Solutions, we are dedicated to helping private practices just like yours. Reach out to us today to create a customized content plan to get your website looking its best. We look forward to working with you!