medical copywriter

Why Hire a Medical Copywriter

If you’re in the healthcare field, you’ve probably heard of medical copywriters. However, you may not know what they do and why they’re so valuable to your company. A medical copywriter works with doctors and patients to create the right message to help educate and inform. They work to promote products and services by creating compelling, convincing copy that engagingly sells an idea or product.

medical copywriter

What They Do

Medical copywriters are professional writers who specialize in creating content for the healthcare industry. They deeply understand the medical field and use their knowledge to create compelling, accurate, and informative content. A good copywriter can balance factual information with compelling language that gets people excited about your business. A key part is knowing how to inform and engage readers so they’ll want to know more—and turn into patients!

Because writing for a medical audience can be complex, copywriters often work with subject matter experts to ensure they use accurate terminology and portray an honest portrayal of your business. For example, if you’re opening a weight loss clinic, you’ll want to hire a writer who understands dieting and has experience writing in a way that excites people to shed pounds.

Benefits of Medical Copywriters

You know how important it is to have accurate information in the medical field. That’s where medical copywriters come in. They specialize in writing about medical topics in a way that is easy to understand for patients and caregivers. It’s their job to produce well-written, engaging content that explains valuable information with minimal confusion. In addition to being knowledgeable about the medical field and its language, they are skilled writers who can create a variety of content formats.

A copywriter is a must-have whether you need to write articles, produce web content, create sales and marketing materials, or anything else for your business. They can explain intricate medical information in layman’s terms while making it more appealing to your target audience.

A good copywriter knows how to use words creatively so as not to overwhelm readers with medical jargon.

They will help improve your rankings on Google by creating optimized pages for search engines. Search engine optimization (SEO) involves optimizing your site to rank higher in organic search results on Google and other search engines. The better the SEO, the more traffic you will get from search engines like Google and Bing.

Why You Should Hire One

As a business owner in the medical industry, you understand the importance of quality content on your website and marketing materials. However, you may not have the time or resources to produce this content.

If you need help creating quality medical content, reach out to us today for a free consultation!

healthcare blog

How to Write a Healthcare Blog

Healthcare blogging is one of the best ways for you as a medical professional to let the world know how to stay healthy. Regardless of your specialty, whether it’s dermatology, physical therapy, phlebotomy, or anything else, someone could use the information you have to share. If you’re thinking about writing a healthcare blog but don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place. 

healthcare blogging

Hire Skilled Writers for Your Healthcare Blog

Let’s face it. As a medical professional, you’re likely too busy running a practice or seeing patients to be a consistent healthcare writer. If you have time to write a few articles here and there, then that’s great! However, you must have another source of medical writing services that you can rely on. 

Having an experienced healthcare writer and researcher you can depend on will make your life much easier. A skilled writer will have the ability to research whatever topics you give them and write an informative blog post. 

Review Everything Yourself 

If you decide to hire a medical writer, then it’s vital that you review and edit the work yourself. It’s your blog, and it’s going to be your name listed as the author, so you should make sure it’s a piece you’re proud of. It will be on you if the information is inaccurate or false in any way. 

Choose the Right Topics for Your Healthcare Blog

Choosing the right writing team is important. However, make sure the topics you’re writing about are even more critical. You should choose to write about issues that you understand and fall within your scope of practice. You should also select relevant and timely topics that the general public will find interesting and helpful. 

Post Healthcare Blogs Weekly 

The only way to do a healthcare blog the right way is to stay consistent with the number of articles you’re putting on your website. If you hope to reach readers and have them return to your website, you’ll have to be a consistent blogger with a steady supply of fresh content. You should strive for a minimum of one article per week if not two or three.

healthcare blogging

Basics of Healthcare Blogging

Whether you’re a doctor, a nurse, or another type of medical professional, you have the ability to be a medical content writer. Healthcare blogging and other medical writing services are valuable to the general population. Not everyone has instant and immediate access to healthcare. It’s your job as a medical content writer to give them the information they need to make an informed decision. 

Whether you’re currently in the business of healthcare blogging or thinking about starting one, here are some things to keep in mind.

Accuracy is Crucial 

Accuracy is essential with any topic you’re writing about. It’s especially important for healthcare. Giving people false or faulty information in your healthcare blog could lead to mistrust. For that reason, you must use your own knowledge while performing research to see what other sources are saying. 

Stay in Your Lane 

The best way to ensure you’re giving out accurate information is to stay in your lane. Physical therapists, for example, should stick to topics within their scope of practice. At the bare minimum, you should always have your work reviewed by a medical professional specializing in your article’s subject. 


Always Write With a Target Audience in Mind 

It’s imperative that you decide who your target audience is before starting each blog. If you’re writing about conditions that mainly affect the elderly, you want to make sure your article is worded and structured so that they can understand it. 

You should write your blog so that everyone can understand it. Avoid using medical jargon or complex diagnoses unless you plan to explain them in layman’s terms. This is especially important for medical writing in clinical research. 

Hit on Keywords 

Hitting primary and secondary keywords in Google is necessary. For that reason, it might be a good idea to utilize an SEO tool or take a few classes on SEO optimization. You’ll be amazed at how many more people read your blog simply because you added the right words in the right places. 

Be Patient 

Ultimately, you’re not going to see tons of results or visitors to your healthcare blog overnight. It will take time, sometimes up to several years, for your blog to land on Google’s radar and get featured on their first page of search results. Patience and staying the course are extremely important for successful healthcare blogging. 

Contact Us 

Basics plays a significant role in turning your healthcare blog into a success. However, accuracy is the most important. Even if your blogs rank high on Google and get featured on the first page, they will be worthless if the information is wrong. You run the risk of hurting someone with erroneous information. People will also stop trusting you. As long as you write correctly about relevant information, people will start to take notice and give your blog the attention it deserves.

If you need help with your health blogging, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Medical Content Solutions. We offer free quotes, and your first blog is free!

healthcare content

Prioritize Your Patients Needs Through Medical Writing

Ensuring a patient feels heard and comfortable is essential for the relationship between patients and doctors. Many need to feel like their concerns are understood, and it takes many different factors for them to feel like they’re getting the care they need. Outside of one-on-one time with a doctor, patients have all kinds of eager questions that they’re looking for a quick answer to, and many of them would rather rely on the doctor they trust.

Considering they can’t usually get this kind of direct help outside of appointments, there are a few effective ways you can connect with your patients on a more consistent basis. This article will dive into how medical writing can help you consistently prioritize your patients’ needs while driving more eyes toward your medical practice.

How Medical Writing Can Help

Content writing, in general, can do wonders for a medical practice, as it gives them a chance to show their expertise in their field while showing their patients that they have a close eye on the ailments they suffer from. Medical writing allows you to stay on top of current developments and gives your patients a sense of peace of mind as it helps them stay informed. Better yet, it’s coming from a source they trust, rather than a random article online that only induces more anxiety.

Of course, medical writing can be time-consuming, and doctors already have a lot to manage on their plate. You can always look into doing this for yourself, but if you want to stay on top of a consistent schedule, it never hurts to seek out some help from a content writing expert, especially with the technical nature of medical writing. If you like adding medical content to your practice’s website, considering a medical content writer might be an excellent idea for you and your patients.

Connect with Patients on a Deeper Level

A medical practice can build a connection with their patients outside of scheduled doctor visits, and one of the best ways is by providing online content for them to view whenever they like. Medical writing is relatively technical and can take up quite a bit of time, and unfortunately, many medical practices simply don’t have the time to manage this themselves. This is where a medical content agency can make a difference, as they can handle the content for you and make sure it stays updated consistently to keep your patients and viewers satisfied.

Overall, you’ll want to work with a medical content writer who can match your expertise by performing the necessary research to convey the required medical knowledge. Working with us at Medical Content Solutions is an excellent idea for any medical practice looking to craft a stronger relationship with their patients on a deeper level while displaying themselves as a leading force in their particular field. Reach out to us to see how this can benefit your practice and how we can help you make a difference for you, your patients, and your practice.

Great Medical Blog

5 Ways to Create a Great Medical Blog

A medical blog can be one of the most efficient marketing tools at your disposal because it is cost-effective to produce a positive return on your investment and grow your practice. A medical practice that blogs will always get better results because patients are interested in your medical content as a way to educate themselves and get to know you better, and the more this happens, the more likely they are to trust you as their healthcare provider. 

As the number of your medical practice’s blog posts grow, so will your ability to rank well on google. The best way to go about this is by investing in a healthcare content agency because they will be critical to a robust marketing plan, resulting in more patients coming to your practice. 

There Are 5 Ways Your Medical Blog Can Kill it Online

  1. Content. Any successful medical blog will always have medical content that you can not find in mainstream media. Patients want valuable answers to many of their concerns, and this comes from creative healthcare content writing that is explained in a way the average patient will understand
  2. Recent posts. Patients are looking for medical information and medical opinions that are fresh. If a medical practice regularly updates its blog, it can maintain patient interest and keep the blog up to date with search engines, to improve its online presence.
  3. Comments. Blog posts will often take on a life of their own in the comments section. This adds another dimension to the blog and further engages the reader. 
  4. Formatting. A well-written text will have shorter paragraphs with catchy headings to hold the reader’s eye without overwhelming them with too much information in a single block of text.  
  5. Keywords can improve your search engine rankings because they inform search engines about what content is on your blog. This is another way to increase your online presence and allow more patients to discover you.

Medical Content Solutions Delivers for Your Medical Blog

At Medical Content Solutions, we know that your medical blog can be a powerful healthcare content marketing tool because we have seen how this has helped our clients in the past. The writers at McDonald Content Solutions understand the five ways to make a medical blog successful. They have the skills to engage the average reader with your medical content. 

Contact us today to see how we can increase your online presence with a medical blog that reaches new patients and brings you the business you need to thrive in the healthcare industry.


Medical White Paper

The Best Reasons to Produce a Medical White Paper

A medical white paper is an in-depth article designed to educate and inform site visitors of your product or service. While white papers started as documents used by government bodies to argue policy decisions, they have evolved in their application which is why the medical industry uses them for healthcare content marketing purposes. A medical white paper is entirely objective; it provides the details of a medical product or service concisely and logically without any sales pitch. Here are some of the best reasons to produce a medical white paper to deliver your message to a wide audience. 

The purpose of a medical white paper is to establish trust with the patients or other healthcare professionals who are looking for medical content for educational purposes. The beauty in what makes them an excellent healthcare content marketing tool is that they provide information that will bring in new business without disreputable sales tactics.

A Multitude of Goals

A primary goal of a medical white paper is to position your medical practice as a trusted resource within the industry and among patients. This way, your practice can attract new business by raising others’ level of awareness through constructive healthcare content writing. 

A medical white paper is also intended to educate patients about new procedures, research, and regulations that affect your medical practice and the industry. An additional goal is to present new research to others in the medical profession, which might spark interest in procedures or products provided by your practice.

Focusing On the Benefits

For a medical white paper to encourage another to take an interest or an action, it must list the benefits they will receive from that product or procedure. For example, a medical white paper could explain cutting-edge technologies available to a patient that a doctor may not have time to explain in-depth in an office visit.

Medical Content Understands Medical White Paper

The writers at Medical Content Solutions (MCS) are well-versed in the structure and function of medical white papers. As a healthcare content agency, MCS has both the creative licensing and the technical knowledge to write a solid, compelling white paper so that it provides your practice with tangible benefits over a long period. 

By trusting MCS as your healthcare content agency, you will be allowing us to do what we do best so that you can get on with the business of focusing on what matters most to you and your practice. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you grow with a compelling medical white paper.