healthcare blog

How to Write a Healthcare Blog

Healthcare blogging is one of the best ways for you as a medical professional to let the world know how to stay healthy. Regardless of your specialty, whether it’s dermatology, physical therapy, phlebotomy, or anything else, someone could use the information you have to share. If you’re thinking about writing a healthcare blog but don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place. 

healthcare blogging

Hire Skilled Writers for Your Healthcare Blog

Let’s face it. As a medical professional, you’re likely too busy running a practice or seeing patients to be a consistent healthcare writer. If you have time to write a few articles here and there, then that’s great! However, you must have another source of medical writing services that you can rely on. 

Having an experienced healthcare writer and researcher you can depend on will make your life much easier. A skilled writer will have the ability to research whatever topics you give them and write an informative blog post. 

Review Everything Yourself 

If you decide to hire a medical writer, then it’s vital that you review and edit the work yourself. It’s your blog, and it’s going to be your name listed as the author, so you should make sure it’s a piece you’re proud of. It will be on you if the information is inaccurate or false in any way. 

Choose the Right Topics for Your Healthcare Blog

Choosing the right writing team is important. However, make sure the topics you’re writing about are even more critical. You should choose to write about issues that you understand and fall within your scope of practice. You should also select relevant and timely topics that the general public will find interesting and helpful. 

Post Healthcare Blogs Weekly 

The only way to do a healthcare blog the right way is to stay consistent with the number of articles you’re putting on your website. If you hope to reach readers and have them return to your website, you’ll have to be a consistent blogger with a steady supply of fresh content. You should strive for a minimum of one article per week if not two or three.

Our Top 5 Tips to Select Healthcare Blog Topics

If you have recently built a website for your practice, you may have decided that operating a healthcare blog is a great approach to build your website. Additionally, your blog can serve as an avenue to connect with your patients to deliver news about updates to your practice, new procedures, or general information. While you might begin your blog with some great ideas, how do you manage writer’s block and choose the best topics for your audience? At McDonald Content Solutions, we want to see your practice thrive, and that’s why we developed this article to help you keep great content flowing and prospective patients or clients coming through your doors. 

Build Your Healthcare Blog by Listening to Your Audience

When you have patients who consistently ask the same questions, it is usually a sign that you have a topic for a blog. You can change the format of a blog based on your needs, but sometimes a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) approach can help you deliver great information on a variety of different topics. 

However, if you also have a question that continues to arise that requires a more in-depth answer, consider devoting an entire blog post to answering that single question. Using patient questions as a starting point, you know that your content will benefit your audience from the minute you hit publish. 

Write a Blog that Covers a New Procedure or Equipment

If you have recently invested in additional education or equipment for your office, your blog can be a great avenue to help spread the word. Your blog can get a little more detailed. While you might not be able to discuss the procedure at every appointment, the blog can help educate patients who may be interested in a procedure. They will be more likely to schedule an appointment that specifically utilizes this new technique for their benefit. 

Look at the Calendar and Discuss Upcoming Events

While looking at a general calendar can help with some specific ideas about holidays or seasonal issues pertinent to your practice, we encourage you to go deeper. Instead of looking at a desk calendar, consider looking at a list of upcoming events in your area. If you’re a chiropractor, is there a physical event, like a fun run, that many of your patients might race? If so, consider writing a blog about the benefits of chiropractic adjustments in advance and after physical activity to help keep people healthy. 

Additionally, by utilizing some keyword research, you may get an increase in traffic to your website that specifically surrounds this event. If a particular type of event attracts people that are more likely to be interested in your service, this can be a massive benefit to your bottom line. 

Introduce Healthcare Staff

Creating blogs that introduce new or current staff members to your audience can help build rapport with your local community. If your patients know the people who work in your office, they may find that they enjoy coming to your office more frequently or that they are less likely to cancel appointments. When you write about your staff, include pertinent practice information, such as education, background, or why they entered their position. However, you can also have some personal information about them. That may include hobbies, interests, or even their pets. Of course, be sure to work closely with staff to include information that they are comfortable discussing. 

Discuss Pricing

You will likely find differing opinions about discussing pricing. One of the biggest reasons to consider blogging about price is because your patients are already searching for it. While you don’t necessarily have to outline the bottom line cost for a procedure in your healthcare blog, you should be sure to include some information that discusses some of the general ideas or practices behind pricing or billing. When you have information on your blog that already matches what people are searching for, more people can be exposed to your practice. Additionally, when your audience is searching for the price of a procedure, they are generally more likely to purchase soon. 

Bring on Our Healthcare Content Agency

We hope that the ideas that we’ve outlined are a great way to build your blog and get valuable information into the hands of your audience. However, if you’re struggling to create engaging healthcare content, consider reaching out to us. We have a team of writers and editors that are ready to tackle your healthcare content writing. We can work with you to write about topics that you know are interesting to your audience, or we can develop a content strategy that is unique to your business and local community to help bring more patients through your doors. Call us today to get started! 

Why You Should Hire a Niche Health Writer

Many healthcare companies struggle to produce enough content on their websites to generate organic search results. Several factors play in developing effective healthcare content that allows you to rank in search engines. A number of these factors are continually changing and take routine training and continuing education to understand. While many healthcare professionals know that they need to bring in outside help, they can often opt to cut corners or go with the first freelance writer they find. However, hiring a health writer specifically niched to medical content is your best play for content that connects and works! 

A Health Writer as a Specialist

Your content isn’t just a general issue. Every professional in the healthcare industry knows that you shouldn’t trust your health to the advice of just anybody off the street. If you have a specific issue, you need to work with somebody that understands your needs. Health writers provide great health content that is pertinent to your topic. They must know about the issues that they cover. You don’t want to have your patients getting inaccurate information from your website. That has the potential to damage the trust you’ve built in your community and damage your reputation. 

Why Generalized Writers Don’t Cut It

While many great general writers are out there, the likelihood that you’ll get a writer who understands your business’s needs is low. Additionally, while general writers may be good at writing about general topics, you need a team that provides excellent healthcare content for your clients. General writers do not have the background in the medical and healthcare industries that specialized healthcare content writers have. That means that complex topics might be misconstrued. Additionally, suppose you’re paying your writers at an hourly rate. In that case, a general writer will require more time to adequately complete the appropriate research and convert that into an understandable document for your audience. 

Why Medical Content Is Special

Some factors mean that you need a medical writer to help with your website content. One of the most significant issues is that your needs are different from a lot of other markets. Healthcare providers typically don’t need to have pages that rank nationally. That means that your writer has to understand how to write your content for your unique audience strategically. 

Additionally, niched writers will have an in-depth understanding of topics that are relevant to your business. Bringing on a niche writer may also help you develop your content strategy in a meaningful way. They may even be able to suggest topics because of their experience. 

Contact Us Today

Bringing on a health writer is an excellent decision for practices throughout the healthcare industry. If you are looking for a great team to add to your project, consider bringing McDonald Content Solutions onboard. We have a full staff of vetted and trained healthcare writers and produce unique medical content with our team of editors and project managers. This provides you with an incredible opportunity to build your entire content strategy with a single point of content. We’ll shoulder the burden of your healthcare content, so you can focus on what’s important – your practice and your patients.