medical content

Why Your Medical Content Needs a Healthcare Editor

It can be surprising to learn how inaccurate health information is on the web—this positions healthcare providers with an opportunity to combat this problem with evidence-based error-free information. Doctors are likely to gain more patients this way and develop themselves further professionally. While medical professionals often turn to a healthcare content agency to create blog posts that the average patient will relate to, we know there are still exceptions where medical professionals will write their medical content. 

When medical professionals write content, they often use jargon that is difficult for the average reader to understand. The internet can reach people near and far, but people will only receive the critical information doctors can offer if they can understand the message. Healthcare content writing experts have experience relating to the average reader. They can take complex medical concepts and turn them into something the general public will understand and enjoy reading.

Medical Editing Is the Secret Ingredient

One of the many benefits of having your blog edited is that you get to test drive your medical content on an audience who knows from experience what type of healthcare content writing will attract more readers. An editor will also take your writing to the next level by offering you tips and insights to make you a better communicator moving forward. Writers are continually growing, and a healthcare content agency knows from experience that our writers did not develop their talents overnight. 

Adding Flow and Clarity to Healthcare Content

Your healthcare blog can bring you more patients as a healthcare content marketing tool. An editor can add flow and clarity to your writing by removing awkward phrasings or biased language. A healthcare content agency will decipher your medical terminology and make your medical blog understandable to the general public. Writing that attracts the average reader often takes on a rhythm that ties together with logical connections naturally embedded so that it is pleasing to their eye while raising the reader’s level of awareness. 

Delivering Accurate Medical Content in the United States

At Medical Content Solutions, our editors are trained in grammar and organization and understand how to reorganize and present writing in a manner that appeals to the reader. We will clarify your ideas and check for accuracy in small details because we know that what you write will represent you, and we want your reputation and waiting room to grow. Contact us today to see how we can make a difference in your medical practice.

Why You Should Hire a Niche Health Writer

Many healthcare companies struggle to produce enough content on their websites to generate organic search results. Several factors play in developing effective healthcare content that allows you to rank in search engines. A number of these factors are continually changing and take routine training and continuing education to understand. While many healthcare professionals know that they need to bring in outside help, they can often opt to cut corners or go with the first freelance writer they find. However, hiring a health writer specifically niched to medical content is your best play for content that connects and works! 

A Health Writer as a Specialist

Your content isn’t just a general issue. Every professional in the healthcare industry knows that you shouldn’t trust your health to the advice of just anybody off the street. If you have a specific issue, you need to work with somebody that understands your needs. Health writers provide great health content that is pertinent to your topic. They must know about the issues that they cover. You don’t want to have your patients getting inaccurate information from your website. That has the potential to damage the trust you’ve built in your community and damage your reputation. 

Why Generalized Writers Don’t Cut It

While many great general writers are out there, the likelihood that you’ll get a writer who understands your business’s needs is low. Additionally, while general writers may be good at writing about general topics, you need a team that provides excellent healthcare content for your clients. General writers do not have the background in the medical and healthcare industries that specialized healthcare content writers have. That means that complex topics might be misconstrued. Additionally, suppose you’re paying your writers at an hourly rate. In that case, a general writer will require more time to adequately complete the appropriate research and convert that into an understandable document for your audience. 

Why Medical Content Is Special

Some factors mean that you need a medical writer to help with your website content. One of the most significant issues is that your needs are different from a lot of other markets. Healthcare providers typically don’t need to have pages that rank nationally. That means that your writer has to understand how to write your content for your unique audience strategically. 

Additionally, niched writers will have an in-depth understanding of topics that are relevant to your business. Bringing on a niche writer may also help you develop your content strategy in a meaningful way. They may even be able to suggest topics because of their experience. 

Contact Us Today

Bringing on a health writer is an excellent decision for practices throughout the healthcare industry. If you are looking for a great team to add to your project, consider bringing McDonald Content Solutions onboard. We have a full staff of vetted and trained healthcare writers and produce unique medical content with our team of editors and project managers. This provides you with an incredible opportunity to build your entire content strategy with a single point of content. We’ll shoulder the burden of your healthcare content, so you can focus on what’s important – your practice and your patients. 

Why Should You Hire an Agency to Write Your Healthcare Press Release?

We work with a wide range of clients that need a healthcare press release. We continue to have the same discussions with our clients as they transition from writing their content to bringing in professionals. They all feel like they should have the ability to write their content, but they face several difficulties. 

Professional content agencies with experience in your field may have some innovative insight and ability that makes outsourcing your content a great decision. 

Captivating Content for a Healthcare Press Release

Professional teams have experience writing press releases that connect with audiences. While you may know your product or idea inside and out, content teams can merge your thoughts with your audience in an exciting way that makes people more likely to want more information about your practice!

Results-Oriented Writing

As medical professionals, it’s unlikely that you’d suggest your patients start taking medication advice from their auto mechanic. In the same way, professional writers know the most up-to-date tips and tricks to give your healthcare press release the reach and impact that you want. Backlinking, SEO Research, and Google algorithms can feel daunting and complicated. Our team has this down to a science. 

Reduce Your Workload

As a professional, you have better things to focus on — your patients. It takes a lot of time and energy to write, edit, format, and publish your press releases. At McDonald Content Solutions, we want to provide you with great content that saves you time and energy. 

How to Find a Healthcare Press Release Writer

Ask for Samples 

While we never suggest that you ask a professional writer to work on your project for free, it is entirely acceptable to ask them for samples of work that may be similar to yours. Many writers maintain huge portfolios of their work. You can quickly review their style and content to make sure they can capture your voice. 

Get Recommendations

More medical professionals are enlisting the help of professional writers to help them meet their content needs. If you are looking for a writer to help with your press release, ask some of your colleagues. Likely, you won’t have to go far to get the names of a few great writers. 

Hire an Agency for your Healthcare Press Release

We hear from many of our clients that they tried to hire freelance writers on their own. However, trying to manage additional contractors, ensure they make deadlines, proper editing, and those writers are still available if reviews are needed. 

Instead, hiring an agency offers a full staff at your disposal. You’ll have a client manager, writer, editor, and review team. An agency can meet sudden increases in your needs. Finally, an agency is far more likely to be available over time. You don’t need to spend time hiring a new writer for every new project. Contact us today to see how we can help you with your press releases!