Medical White Paper

The Best Reasons to Produce a Medical White Paper

A medical white paper is an in-depth article designed to educate and inform site visitors of your product or service. While white papers started as documents used by government bodies to argue policy decisions, they have evolved in their application which is why the medical industry uses them for healthcare content marketing purposes. A medical white paper is entirely objective; it provides the details of a medical product or service concisely and logically without any sales pitch. Here are some of the best reasons to produce a medical white paper to deliver your message to a wide audience. 

The purpose of a medical white paper is to establish trust with the patients or other healthcare professionals who are looking for medical content for educational purposes. The beauty in what makes them an excellent healthcare content marketing tool is that they provide information that will bring in new business without disreputable sales tactics.

A Multitude of Goals

A primary goal of a medical white paper is to position your medical practice as a trusted resource within the industry and among patients. This way, your practice can attract new business by raising others’ level of awareness through constructive healthcare content writing. 

A medical white paper is also intended to educate patients about new procedures, research, and regulations that affect your medical practice and the industry. An additional goal is to present new research to others in the medical profession, which might spark interest in procedures or products provided by your practice.

Focusing On the Benefits

For a medical white paper to encourage another to take an interest or an action, it must list the benefits they will receive from that product or procedure. For example, a medical white paper could explain cutting-edge technologies available to a patient that a doctor may not have time to explain in-depth in an office visit.

Medical Content Understands Medical White Paper

The writers at Medical Content Solutions (MCS) are well-versed in the structure and function of medical white papers. As a healthcare content agency, MCS has both the creative licensing and the technical knowledge to write a solid, compelling white paper so that it provides your practice with tangible benefits over a long period. 

By trusting MCS as your healthcare content agency, you will be allowing us to do what we do best so that you can get on with the business of focusing on what matters most to you and your practice. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you grow with a compelling medical white paper.

medical content

Why Your Medical Content Needs a Healthcare Editor

It can be surprising to learn how inaccurate health information is on the web—this positions healthcare providers with an opportunity to combat this problem with evidence-based error-free information. Doctors are likely to gain more patients this way and develop themselves further professionally. While medical professionals often turn to a healthcare content agency to create blog posts that the average patient will relate to, we know there are still exceptions where medical professionals will write their medical content. 

When medical professionals write content, they often use jargon that is difficult for the average reader to understand. The internet can reach people near and far, but people will only receive the critical information doctors can offer if they can understand the message. Healthcare content writing experts have experience relating to the average reader. They can take complex medical concepts and turn them into something the general public will understand and enjoy reading.

Medical Editing Is the Secret Ingredient

One of the many benefits of having your blog edited is that you get to test drive your medical content on an audience who knows from experience what type of healthcare content writing will attract more readers. An editor will also take your writing to the next level by offering you tips and insights to make you a better communicator moving forward. Writers are continually growing, and a healthcare content agency knows from experience that our writers did not develop their talents overnight. 

Adding Flow and Clarity to Healthcare Content

Your healthcare blog can bring you more patients as a healthcare content marketing tool. An editor can add flow and clarity to your writing by removing awkward phrasings or biased language. A healthcare content agency will decipher your medical terminology and make your medical blog understandable to the general public. Writing that attracts the average reader often takes on a rhythm that ties together with logical connections naturally embedded so that it is pleasing to their eye while raising the reader’s level of awareness. 

Delivering Accurate Medical Content in the United States

At Medical Content Solutions, our editors are trained in grammar and organization and understand how to reorganize and present writing in a manner that appeals to the reader. We will clarify your ideas and check for accuracy in small details because we know that what you write will represent you, and we want your reputation and waiting room to grow. Contact us today to see how we can make a difference in your medical practice.

medical white paper

3 Reasons to Write a Medical White Paper Today

In the continually evolving marketing climate, it can be hard to sort through the myriad of different topics and styles you should implement. While medical white papers are frequently overlooked, this tool is a critical component to educate your audience about new services or devices. Of course, there are a few essential things that you should know before you ever put pen to paper, and we’ve grouped three of the most important reasons that you should write a medical white paper for your practice. 

#1. Keep Medical White Paper Topics Relevant

It doesn’t matter how well-written or researched your white paper is if the audience is not interested in what you’re writing. It is essential to know and understand your audience to target the specific pain points they are having. Once you know these key points, all of your statistical data will land with your audience and demonstrate precisely how you plan to help with their current issues. 

#2. Bring the Data

If you write a whitepaper full of hypothetical or theoretical numbers, your audience is more likely to be skeptical of your research’s extensive nature. While your medical white paper should not be overburdened with numbers and statistics, it is crucial to driving home key points with critical statistics. Use research or case studies that help bolster your point. Make sure that you’ve done your research and can verify the data that you’re using.

#3. Get Your White Paper in Front of Your Audience

Where you publish and post your white paper can vary greatly. You may get several different opinions on the best platforms to publish your work. However, you should keep your audience in mind.  Many practices publish their whitepapers on their websites, in emails or newsletters, or submit them to academic or healthcare-related websites. If you’ll be presenting your work at a conference, you should consider getting your white paper published in those materials. While you want to be sure people will view your work, the forum needs to be reputable as well. Various websites promote their ability to publish your whitepaper. However, they may not deliver your expected results after they collect your payment. We frequently suggest that you talk to colleagues that work in your area of expertise and listen to their suggestions and cautionary tales. 

Final Thoughts 

While medical white papers can substantially impact marketing your products and services, don’t treat the white paper as an advertisement. Medical white papers are designed as informational. While the intent is to market your product, it can’t be overshadowed by the content. Instead, make sure that you’re accurately describing the problem, your solution, and the data to support your claims. If you stick to that simple formula, you’ll help establish yourself and your brand as a credible and trusted authority.

Of course, if you’re considering writing a white paper but want to enlist the help of professionals that are well-versed in the art of creating medical content that connects with your audience, call or email us today! We are experts in helping healthcare professionals focus on supporting and healing their communities. 

niche content agency

How Your Marketing Company Can Benefit From a Niche Content Agency

Your marketing company has finally launched. Clients are pouring in, you’re pushing services, and seeing improvement for your clients’ bottom line. You may not see it, but something is missing. In today’s world of paid advertising, the immediate rewards and leads can feel successful, but you may be overlooking a critical element to the overall strategy: a niche content agency. 

In our experience, many marketing agencies are great at what they do. They can build websites, run analytics, evaluate ROI (Return on Investment), and build case studies to show their effectiveness. However, the same people that are experts in these fields push content to the backburner. Unfortunately, content marketing can seem like a hefty up-front cost. Some agencies might feel like it can increase the initial costs and scare clients away. But if you want to build excellent long-term relationships with your client base, content is still king. 

At McDonald Content Solutions, we offer our clients (medical practices and marketing agencies) specialized content in the healthcare and medical fields. Here are some of the best reasons that you should consider working with a content agency that’s specialized in your field. 

Immediate Access to Specialized Professional Writers

Content companies aren’t just bringing on every generalized writer off the street. If your marketing agency is working in any professional field, you likely need somebody well-versed in that market. Medical writers have already developed a baseline of background knowledge in the area. Why is this important? By bringing in professionals, you get in-depth insight in less time. Instead of paying a general writer for hours of research to only have their writing fall short of your expectations, our staff delivers stellar content in a fraction of the time. 

Content Agencies Have Experience Telling Your Story

You need to distinguish your clients from their competitors, and our medical staff has first-hand knowledge about current trends in the field. By having our finger on the competition’s pulse, you gain a competitive edge by telling meaningful stories that you may otherwise miss. Additionally, professional writers can ensure that your message connects with their intended audience. 

Dollar for Dollar – Content has the Highest ROI

While paid advertising or pay-per-click (PPC) methods are wildly popular today, they don’t offer your client long-term advantages. Their best hope is to evaluate each ad campaign’s cost through trial and error to get the best return on their money. However, PPC advertising requires that your clients have to pay for every single lead they get. Additionally, this approach leaves you vulnerable to losing a client with an unexpected, poorly performing ad campaign. 

With an emphasis on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the written content is specifically designed to increase organic traffic to a website. Utilizing your expertise in converting that traffic to paying customers helps benefit your clients and your company. You can suggest that your clients can continue to see the same high level of sales while reducing their overall spend on advertising and developing a multi-pronged marketing approach. 

A Niche Content Agency Can Increase the Length of Client Relationships

Niche content agencies can work with you to help develop a reliable content calendar for your clients. Typical content calendars should plan out an approach for a minimum of six months but often span over two years. While content aims to increase organic traffic, it takes between six and eighteen months to start seeing positive results. Establishing these long-term plans with your clients can ensure that your marketing company has reliable projections about your income and ability to grow and expand. 

A Niche Content Agency is More than a Writer

A content agency is specialized in producing great content for their clients, but that doesn’t mean that we only have writers. Instead, McDonald Content Solutions works with writers, editors, and project managers. This means that you get an entire writing arm added to your agency through a single point of contact. How much value would it add to your company to be able to bring on an entirely new and professional team without having to worry about supervision, hiring, and training? Additionally, we have the entire process of producing our content down to an art. We work to ensure that we live up to our motto: Medical Content Simplified

Not Everyone is a Writer

While many people dabble in writing, mastering the art of writing is something that very few people can succeed in. Unfortunately, the writing market is saturated with individuals who believe they can write. At McDonald Content Solutions, we only hire writers who have demonstrated the highest level of medical writing. Once we bring them on board, they must undergo a rigorous training process. That means that you get amazing content from our team every single time. Call or email today to see how we can help your team.