medical blog, medical content agency, healthcare writing, healthcare content

Top 3 Tips for Writing a Medical Blog to Grow Your Healthcare Practice

Writing a medical blog can enhance your practice and show the public your exciting offerings. As you engage more readers with medical content, you will encourage your audience to trust you, and the better that content, the more they will want to choose you as their provider.

Blogging allows you to write about an area of medicine with good potential for dialogue. As long as it relates to your particular area of medicine, your blog will become the authority and push your readers to reach out to you more. As you continue to fill your blog with medical contentit will help you rank well in Google, increasing your online presence and bringing in a larger target audience. This article will outline three essential tips to help you make your blog a success. 


Increase Your Prospective Patient Audience

Every successful blog considers the reading level of its audience. When communicating technical medical information, it must be accurate and engaging to the average reader in that audience. Since doctors are used to writing to their peers, it makes sense to outsource their healthcare content writing to an experienced medical marketing agency. 


Provide Useful Information for Potential Patients

There is currently a surplus of content tailored to the companies who advertise on those sites. That means that most of the information is provided to please big pharma, biotech, medical manufacturing, and insurance companies. A healthcare content agency can help you develop content that resonates with your consumers by answering their health concerns with information big business is not providing. 


Relatable Healthcare Content

Your medical blog can be an excellent healthcare content marketing tool, but that will only happen if your readers can relate to your content. This means adding a personal touch by using words like “you” and “I” or perhaps by being visually descriptive so that your readers can understand you better by painting a picture in their mind. You might even want to make yourself vulnerable by talking about a medical treatment that works for you or someone you care about personally. 


Medical Blogging Professionals Make an Impact

At Medical Content Solutions, we have years of experience writing blog posts that the average reader will relate to and love. This is because, as a healthcare content agency, we know your audience, and we have developed the skills to speak to them in a manner they understand. Contact us today to answer your questions and help you establish a blog that takes advantage of the technology that drives healthcare in the 21st century. 


Ebooks for healthcare practice

Ebooks for Healthcare Practice – An Authoritative Message that Connects

In the digital age, people are more connected to everything around them in digital formats. People have immediate and constant access to the world around them through their smartphones, tablets, E-readers, and computers. Due to the increase in constant connection they are more likely to spend time reading and researching through ebooks. This is great news for physicians who want to create an ebooks for healthcare practice and reduce costs or the hassle of submitting it to publishers. 

An ebook is a great way to share medical content. If you are pressed for time, a healthcare content agency can be the solution you need because we can do the writing while you get on with the business of treating your patients. As experts in healthcare content writing, we understand the importance of sharing your medical expertise. This approach is a great way to grow your practice, secure increases in research funding for your projects, develop keynote speaking opportunities, or connect with your patients.

Let us Help Market Your Medical Practice

By helping you share your knowledge and experience in clever and vivid ways, we can help you become better known in the healthcare industry. This is a great way to meet your healthcare content marketing needs because reaching out to and educating patients who read your medical content will make them want to engage more with you and show more loyalty to your practice.  

Recently the patient’s journey has evolved dramatically, and what they can learn about a doctor online has a strong influence on who they trust. Healthcare content writing is one of the most powerful resources you have in this changing market. Experienced content writers know how to appeal to that market because they have seen what works over time and know-how to replicate it. 

Medical Content Solutions – A Professional Solution for your Profession

At Medical Content, we have experienced writers who have written ebooks in the past, and we know how to speak to people in a way that will engage each reader without losing them. Our writers have been explaining complex medical concepts in layman’s terms for years because we know that to hold a reader’s interest, we must engage them in medical content that they can understand.

We know how to take your ideas and your outlines and bring them to life on the page because this is what we do every day. We understand many of the health and procedural concerns that the general public has, and we have time-tested the strategies and tactics that best answer these concerns. At Medical Content Solutions, we know that excellent medical content will inform the average mind, and this will, in turn, fill your waiting room with grateful readers.

Fill out our contact form, or call us today to see how we can help get your message delivered to your audience.



Niche medical writing

Why You Should Avoid Generalist Writers for Niche Medical Content

Hiring someone to write niche medical content for your business can involve some level of risk until you get to know the person or company you hire. You must find someone who will earn your trust by delivering medical content to engage your readers with the ideas and terminology that apply to healthcare content writing. If you hire a general writer, you run the risk of getting someone who has to spend additional time researching the subject you ask them to write about, and this may strain them in meeting your deadlines, getting you both off on the wrong foot. 

Some general writers will not know how to appeal to your audience simply because they know too little about your audience and have no experience relating to them. From the general writers’ perspective, they may not have much interest in your industry and therefore find it a subject they are not good at.

Strengths of a Niche Writer

A healthcare content agency understands your audience because they have written for them in the past. They also understand the concepts and ideas behind the medical content that will educate your readers and earn their trust in you. When you hire a healthcare content agency, you can be more certain your deadlines will be met because they already know the subject matter, so that they will spend less time researching and more time perfecting the language that will capture your audience. 

A healthcare content agency knows all the ins and outs of the medical industry because they have found a personal interest in it. Over time, applying this interest has gained their in-depth knowledge about the topics your readers want to know more about. This is important because engaging the interest of your readers is the first step in selling them your product or service.

Let Us Help You With Your Niche Medical Content

You can save yourself valuable time finding the right fit for your healthcare content writing needs by contacting a healthcare content agency that already understands the unique challenges and needs of the medical industry. At Medical Content Solutions, we are passionate about healthcare content writing, so we only focus on this niche. Contact us today, and we will help you establish a better online presence that will allow your customers to know and trust your services. 



The Importance of Having a Medical Blog

As medical professionals move forward in the information age, they are relying more on technology to drive their businesses. Even healthcare providers that offer essential healthcare services to the public need to rely on digital technology that will create a noticeable online presence. Most Doctors, for example, are too busy with treating patients or keeping their facilities running to think about the importance of having a medical blog or its ongoing content. 

What A Blog Can Do for Medical Professionals

A Medical blog can help you connect with your audience, and the right healthcare content agency can help you make that connection by speaking the language that has been time-tested and proven to work. One of the first things that healthcare content marketing professionals consider is “who exactly is that audience”? Healthcare content agencies know that a common mistake among most clinicians is that they write to the people they relate to most, which is their peers. A healthcare content agency understands the language of your patients and will create healthcare content writing that catches their attention and brings them to you so that your business can thrive.

A Medical Blog Can Educate Your Audience

Healthcare content marketers are skilled at educating their audience in ways they can relate to because all good marketers know that an educated audience is more likely to choose your product or service. Most people will appreciate what they learn and will be more likely to reach out to you. 

Another benefit to educating your audience is that certain keywords can be embedded within the content, and this will improve your ranking on search engines so that people will find you when conducting a search. It is also important to keep adding new blog entries because this will further improve your ranking by letting Google know your site is still active. 

Your Blog Helps Build Trust with Your Patients

As you continue to blog and increase your online presence, you will also increase how much medical content search engines have to crawl and index. As more useful information from your blog appears on internet search results, it will show your audience that you are a trusted source. The more they know and trust you, the more your organization can grow.

Contact Us Today 

If you are looking for a healthcare content agency that can drive traffic to your organization, Medical Content Solutions has over ten years of experience specializing in medical content that delivers results. Whether you are appealing to other businesses or you are looking for a strategy to reach those who need care, let us speak for you so that you can get back to the business you specialize in while we do what we are best at.


Our Top 5 Tips to Select Healthcare Blog Topics

If you have recently built a website for your practice, you may have decided that operating a healthcare blog is a great approach to build your website. Additionally, your blog can serve as an avenue to connect with your patients to deliver news about updates to your practice, new procedures, or general information. While you might begin your blog with some great ideas, how do you manage writer’s block and choose the best topics for your audience? At McDonald Content Solutions, we want to see your practice thrive, and that’s why we developed this article to help you keep great content flowing and prospective patients or clients coming through your doors. 

Build Your Healthcare Blog by Listening to Your Audience

When you have patients who consistently ask the same questions, it is usually a sign that you have a topic for a blog. You can change the format of a blog based on your needs, but sometimes a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) approach can help you deliver great information on a variety of different topics. 

However, if you also have a question that continues to arise that requires a more in-depth answer, consider devoting an entire blog post to answering that single question. Using patient questions as a starting point, you know that your content will benefit your audience from the minute you hit publish. 

Write a Blog that Covers a New Procedure or Equipment

If you have recently invested in additional education or equipment for your office, your blog can be a great avenue to help spread the word. Your blog can get a little more detailed. While you might not be able to discuss the procedure at every appointment, the blog can help educate patients who may be interested in a procedure. They will be more likely to schedule an appointment that specifically utilizes this new technique for their benefit. 

Look at the Calendar and Discuss Upcoming Events

While looking at a general calendar can help with some specific ideas about holidays or seasonal issues pertinent to your practice, we encourage you to go deeper. Instead of looking at a desk calendar, consider looking at a list of upcoming events in your area. If you’re a chiropractor, is there a physical event, like a fun run, that many of your patients might race? If so, consider writing a blog about the benefits of chiropractic adjustments in advance and after physical activity to help keep people healthy. 

Additionally, by utilizing some keyword research, you may get an increase in traffic to your website that specifically surrounds this event. If a particular type of event attracts people that are more likely to be interested in your service, this can be a massive benefit to your bottom line. 

Introduce Healthcare Staff

Creating blogs that introduce new or current staff members to your audience can help build rapport with your local community. If your patients know the people who work in your office, they may find that they enjoy coming to your office more frequently or that they are less likely to cancel appointments. When you write about your staff, include pertinent practice information, such as education, background, or why they entered their position. However, you can also have some personal information about them. That may include hobbies, interests, or even their pets. Of course, be sure to work closely with staff to include information that they are comfortable discussing. 

Discuss Pricing

You will likely find differing opinions about discussing pricing. One of the biggest reasons to consider blogging about price is because your patients are already searching for it. While you don’t necessarily have to outline the bottom line cost for a procedure in your healthcare blog, you should be sure to include some information that discusses some of the general ideas or practices behind pricing or billing. When you have information on your blog that already matches what people are searching for, more people can be exposed to your practice. Additionally, when your audience is searching for the price of a procedure, they are generally more likely to purchase soon. 

Bring on Our Healthcare Content Agency

We hope that the ideas that we’ve outlined are a great way to build your blog and get valuable information into the hands of your audience. However, if you’re struggling to create engaging healthcare content, consider reaching out to us. We have a team of writers and editors that are ready to tackle your healthcare content writing. We can work with you to write about topics that you know are interesting to your audience, or we can develop a content strategy that is unique to your business and local community to help bring more patients through your doors. Call us today to get started!