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Accurate Medical Content and Your Blog

It’s important to have accurate information for any online content. However, fully vetting medical content for accuracy is especially important. When current or potential clients check out a medical professional’s website, they expect the content is well-written and fact-based. It’s no wonder that some medical professionals may feel a little unsure about handing over their blog or other ghostwriting projects to a content agency. However, a few simple steps should put your mind at ease and guarantee that the content is well-written and correct. 

Hire Experienced Medical Content Writers

Choose only the best content agencies in the industry to take over your writing projects. There are a few especially important points to consider:

  • Medical writing experience
  • Education
  • Quality of writing

Only the most professional agencies have a review process for their writers. Keep in mind, you have the right to know the skill-level of the writers working on your project. Be sure to ask what type of experience and minimum qualification the agency requires from their writers. 

Quality Research Skills for Medical Content

If you do a quick Google search, you’ll quickly see that there is a large amount of information on the web about most medical topics. However, high-quality medical writers are aware of the most useful resources in the medical community, including:

  • Healthline
  • WebMD
  • Medical News Today
  • National Institutes of Health
  • And other prestigious and medically reviewed sites.

Of course, professional medical writers know to avoid blogs, opinion-based content, and other resources that aren’t fact-checked.

In-House Fact-Checking Process

All medical agencies should have an in-house fact-checking process. However, content should not only be well-written, but it should undergo a fact-check for accurate information. An agency that handles this type of content is happy to share their process with you. While the professional medical client will certainly review the blog or article, medical writers should do their due diligence to ensure that they have provided a factual blog the first time around. This cuts down on the back and forth time it takes to complete the project. 

Contact McDonald Content Solutions 

Medical content requires a level of knowledge that the average writer doesn’t always have. At Medical Content Solutions, we make sure that each of our writers has a minimum of a BA in English or Communications, plus three years of medical writing experience.

All of our content is checked for facts and ease of reading. If you want your content to be well-written and accurate—please reach out to us for your customized content package. We look forward to working with you!

4 Reasons to Maintain a Medical Blog

It seems like everybody who has a website has a blog, no matter their industry. It’s true that virtually any institution offering services benefits from having a quality blog. However, it is especially crucial for people involved in the healthcare or medical field. After all, this industry has so much information that impacts people’s lives in a very significant way. Let’s discuss a few core reasons to maintain a medical blog. 

Search Engine Relevance is a Top Reason to Maintain a Medical Blog

Maintaining quality medical content on your blog can help people find you more easily. If you choose to have that SEO-infused content, then your website will attract more potential patients while keeping them informed of your services and any news you’d like to share.

 Search engines are fickle. The algorithms constantly change. However, the one constant is that content is more likely to be deemed “relevant” if it is written well and follows a few simple guidelines. There’s no need to worry if this all sounds a bit overwhelming. A quality medical writer can handle this type of work for you.

Maintain a Medical Blog to Showcase Your Expertise

One of the most crucial reasons to maintain a medical blog is to showcase your expertise. Whether people are looking for a dentist, or want to research a plastic surgeon, they all want to know the same thing—does this person have expertise? A great way to showcase that is through your blog content. You can easily explain your services or other industry-specific information that will allow patients to get to know you and trust your quality of care. People are more likely to choose you for their medical needs if they understand your level of ability and understanding in your field. A blog is one way to demonstrate your knowledge and may encourage people to contact your office.

Provide Simple Explanations That People Understand

Medical content is complicated and easily intimidates. People will have a much clearer understanding of what you have to offer if you maintain an easy-to-read blog. Some medical professionals may struggle with condensing information down into laymen’s terms, but a seasoned medical writer will create the perfect blend of knowledge and simplicity.

Medical Blogs Are an Investment

Medical professionals are often busy and simply don’t have the time to write about industry-specific information. However, hiring a seasoned writer to do the work for you can help save time. The investment in medical blogs is not only a significant time-saver, but it could be a valuable tool for attracting more patients to your services.

Blog Content You Can Trust

Medical Content Solutions is dedicated to providing exceptional content to every medical client. We know that you work in a field that is brimming with information. We want to be sure that your message reaches your intended audience. If you would like some help crafting your medical blog, please reach out to us for more information.

Want to make sure we’re a good fit? Your first blog is free!